Our First LeaderBlab this Wednesday
Join us this Wednesday at 9:30 PM ET/6:30 PM PT as we start a new monthly video conference for all aspiring leaders all over the United States and beyond. This will be a great opportunity to get up close and personal with leaders from around the country from various backgrounds in church leadership, business, nonprofits, etc. and learn about what leadership principles helped them achieve their life goals and aspirations.
This month, we'll be joined by Fr. Anthony Messeh, priest of St. Timothy and St. Athanasius Church in Arlington, VA who will be sharing his insight into "Characteristics that define a godly leader" and tips on how to be an effective leader that people want to follow. So join us for this 30 minute discussion.
And the best part of these Blabs is YOU will get the chance to ask questions directly to our speakers, face to face, through our video conversations. So join us this Wednesday at 9:30 PM ET/6:30 PM PT for your chance to join the #LeaderBlab conversation.