International Programs
Egypt Mobile Health Clinic
The Mobile Health Clinic was founded on the belief that every man, woman, and child, regardless of financial means, deserves high quality, coordinated, community based, family centered, and comprehensive care.
Start with a need
“The American health care system in beset with inequalities that have a disproportionate impact on people of color and other marginalized groups. These inequalities contribute to gaps in health insurance coverage, uneven access to services, and poorer health outcomes among certain populations.” -Jamila Taylor
In rural villages in Upper Egypt, the mortality rate is 35 infant feathers per 1,000 live births.
Hope’s Mobile Health Clinics in DC and Egypt are our way of providing a start to the healthcare inequities that plague both our country and beyond our borders.
Use passionate people
Through partnerships with local hospitals and medical clinics both in Egypt (H.O.M.E.) and in Washington DC (Children’s National), we are utilizing medical professionals to give back of their talents and bring their expertise to communities who typically couldn’t access this level of care. We know we can’t do it alone so these partnerships allow us to serve more people and connect more resources to those in need than we ever could on our own.
Love with no strings attached
We believe every person deserves access to quality, affordable health care no matter their circumstances. It’s this unwavering belief that forces us to find communities without access to quality healthcare and ensure they have every opportunity and resource available to them to live healthy, productive lives.
International Service Trips
Egypt 2023
In June 2023, we took our first ever international service trip abroad and spent 2 weeks in Egypt. A group of 60 people (mostly families ranging from ages 2 – 80) spent the beginning of their summer serving communities in need all around Egypt. This included visiting the poorest of the poor in Upper Egypt through house visitations and check ins, visiting orphanages and summer camps in the Garbage City in Cairo, treating hundreds of patients through our mobile clinics, and many other cultural and spiritual experiences.
This trip was an extraordinary opportunity to connect with our brothers and sisters in Egypt, provide them any assistance and support we could and create long term partners that have a shared mission and vision that can lead to future impact and investment. One partner in particular that was instrumental in the success of this trip is a domestic nonprofit in Egypt called Shepherd & Mother of Light.
To support the ministries of Shepherd & Mother of Light and our international programs, click below and make sure to designate your gift for “International Programs”
Shepherd and Mother of Light (SML) is an organization under the auspice of the Coptic Orthodox Church whose aim is transform the poorest of the poor who live under extreme poverty into sufficient individuals. It is composed of 7 developmental sectors: spiritual, urban (construction of houses), medical, economic, educational, social (monthly aid, relief and seasonal), special needs. SML has served over 80,000 families in over 1000 villages. SML has 550 employees in the local villages and hundreds of volunteers from Cairo & Upper Egypt.
Some of the specific services that were prepared for our group included:
House visitations of families (8-12 people) with no roof, no electricity, no water, no bathrooms, no healthcare, no education and no income.
Visiting small businesses established by SML at the families houses like vegetable stand, grocery kiosks and others enabling them to be self sufficient.
The King’s Daughter Program equips girls (12-25 years old) with the awareness and problem solving skills necessary to survive and be self-sufficient on the spiritual, psychological, physical and social levels through education and training.
Visitations to the Special Needs' Centers where rehabilitations (physical & speech therapies) enable them to integrate and work at a small factory earning income with dignity producing many products.
Painting nurseries and creating designs for the little children throughout the nursery.
A festival day filled with fun activities for over 200 elementary school children.
To learn more about these unique opportunities or to inquire about a trip experience, please click the button below and select ‘International Programs’ in the Program of Interest field.