Frequently Asked Questions
Why is the conference called Momentum?
Well, for anyone who knows anything about science, you know that momentum equals mass times velocity. A large mass moving at a high speed or velocity produces lots and lots of momentum. And that’s just what we aspire to be! We hope these conferences will be the combination of a large mass (of people) coming together and being moved and inspired to act for a greater cause and purpose (velocity). And the beautiful thing about momentum is that once it gets going, IT CAN’T BE STOPPED!
How do I register?
Registration is done online and can be accessed easily by clicking the above link. Registration is done in a safe and secure way and all user information is protected and secure. Once you successfully register, you will receive a confirmation email of your registration record, which you will need to keep with you when you come to the conference. For further registration inquiries, please email us at
What is included in the Registration fee?
The registration fee for Momentum includes all conference materials and participation in the conference. Also included are breakfast and lunch on Saturday and lunch on Sunday of the conference. Dinner and accommodations are NOT included in our registration fee. However, we do have specially discounted room rates at nearby hotels that you can use to book your accommodations for our conference.
When does registration end?
Registration officially closes on Sunday, February 17th at midnight. However, we always anticipate a sold out crowd so registration may close sooner depending on availability. Further, the earlier you register, the cheaper the price will be as prices increase the closer we get to the conference, due to increased costs and short notice.
Who is Momentum for?
Short answer: Momentum is for you! This conference is designed for those who feel God is calling them to be the leaders and influencers in today’s world. Whether you’re a leader at your church or in the workplace or even just within your circle of influence, this conference is for you. You don’t need a fancy title or some high qualification to be eligible for Momentum. All you need is an open heart and a willing spirit to “live a life worthy of the calling you have received”
Can I come for just one day of the conference?
Unfortunately, we are not able to accept participants for any one day of the conference. We do not believe it is our best interest, or the participant’s best interest, to just attend one day of the conference, as you are not able to experience fully the whole conference and the different elements it has to offer.
Can I get a refund if I decide to cancel my registration?
Due to circumstances outside of our control, full refunds cannot be processed due to costs incurred by the organization for every transaction. However, a refund of 50% of the cost of registration can be provided up until January 8th, 2019. This is due to payments being made to the conference center for registered guests and attendees based on the registration list well in advance of the conference.
What do workshops consist of?
An exciting element to the Momentum conference will be the workshops that will be held for all participants. These workshops will allow guests to receive a hands-on, interactive experience that challenges each participant and requires them to apply the principles and lessons received in our lectures in a very real environment. Workshops will also guests the opportunity to collaborate with others and share ideas together in order to learn from one another and grow together.