...And that is when HOPE stepped in and literally turned our sadness into inexpressible joy.
“In 2012, our center decided we did not have adequate funding to host our annual holiday party for our children stricken with cancer and blood disorders. Patients, families, and staff alike were all so disappointed at the thought of a holiday season gone by with no celebration.
And that is when HOPE stepped in and literally turned our sadness into inexpressible joy.
“Over 175 patients, their families, and our staff were transported to a magical winter wonderland on that special night, now 5 years ago. From the friendly, dancing volunteer greeting line to the amazing and fun games, crafts, and photobooth stations, to a fully catered meal with all the trimmings, our entire group were treated to a party they would never forget. HOPE’s generosity in not only covering all the expenses for the party, but having “Santa” and his crazy elves deliver a special present to each child in attendance blew us away.
We truly felt the sincere and heartfelt love and generosity in every aspect of the event from every volunteer present and we are so grateful to HOPE to be able to continue our partnership, to reap the amazing kindness and love that they have shown our entire department over the last 5 years.”
Social Worker, Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders, Pediatric Specialists of VA
"From fossil excavation journeys, to yoga and zoo trips, my kids nally have a safe place where they feel loved and cared for.”
“For 2.5 years now, me and my family have traveled from shelter to shelter around the DC area, staying no more than 6 months at any one shelter. My children, ages 6 and 9 have never felt comfortable in any place, let alone nd joy and happiness in a “home” environment.
But all of that changed this past year when we were introduced to HOPE and their Playtime program. Wednesdays have become the most exciting day of our week and my kids can’t wait to see their “buddies” at Playtime and have a unique experience with them. From fossil excavation journeys to yoga and zoo trips, my kids nally have a safe place where they feel loved and cared for.
HOPE’s volunteers go above and beyond to make sure my kids have an experience that they would otherwise never have on their own. I am so grateful for the amazing men and women that make up HOPE and their Playtime program and they are truly having a last impact on my children, no matter where we end up next.”
(last name withheld)
“HOPE’s leadership team tapped into my passions and inspired me to use my gift to serve others.”
“For the past several years, I have run in long distance ultra marathons. I never thought I could use that gift and passion of mine to help others until I found HOPE. HOPE’s leadership team tapped into my passions and inspired me to use my gift to serve others. They provided me the opportunity to ful ll a lifelong dream of mine, and touch thousands of lives at the same time, by running 3,000 miles across America to raise funds and awareness for their new pediatric mobile health clinic to serve some
of the most underprivileged children in our nation’s capital. HOPE to me epitomizes the famous Mahatma Gandi saying which says, “The best way to nd yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” HOPE tapped into my greatest and deepest passions and allowed me to use my talents for a higher calling, whereby I not only was able to serve others but found myself in the process. “
Ultramarathon runner and family physician